online manual


LUMIN P1 remote control

LUMIN P1 comes complete with a Remote Control.

As the LUMIN Remote Control uses infrared for communication, please retain 'line-of-sight' between the remote control and the front panel of LUMIN P1.

Button functions

Standby Toggles LUMIN P1 standby mode.
Input selection Selects an active input port.

The order of inputs follows the order they appear on the rear panel of LUMIN P1:

  • 1. Analogue Balanced
  • 2. Analogue RCA
  • 3. Digital AES/EBU
  • 4. Digital RCA
  • 5. Digital Optical/Toslink
  • 6. Digital USB
  • 7. HDMI 1
  • 8. HDMI 2
  • 9. HDMI 3
  • 0. HDMI ARC

When an input is selected, Playlist playback will be paused. Pressing the play button will resume.

Volume Control volume of analogue and digital output.

These buttons have no effect if volume control has been disabled in settings.

Playback Control playback of Playlists.
  • Play
  • Pause
  • Jump 10 seconds backward
  • Jump 10 seconds forward
  • Play previous song in playlist
  • Play next song in playlist
Mute & Radio
  • Mute/Unmute volume
  • Play Internet Radio

Radio station can either be in-built lossless radio or TuneIn radio. LUMIN P1 will automatically play the last listened-to station.

Repeat & Shuffle
  • Toggle Playlist Repeat On/Off
  • Toggle Shuffle Repeat On/Off

The LUMIN P1 front panel display will indicate whether a toggled feature is on or off.

Custom buttons Custom buttons
  • C1: Toggle Front Panel Display Brightness Bright/Normal/Dim/Off*
  • C2: Toggle Invert Phase On/Off*

The LUMIN P1 front panel display will indicate whether a toggled feature is on or off.

* Please see future LUMIN firmware and App update notes to see if these buttons change use.