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LUMIN L2 Settings

LUMIN L2 Settings

From the Browse window, tap the Settings button Settings button and then select 'Library Options' under the LUMIN L2 unit name that you wish to set.

Reload Music Library This deletes the cashed library database in LUMIN App and will download all library data from LUMIN L2. This action is not needed under normal circumstances.
Update Music Library The App requests the latest library database from LUMIN L2, compares its cached database with latest L2 database and updates any changes. This action is carried out automatically every time the LUMIN App starts, but if the library changes while using the App, this action will help load new music.
UPnP Search When in ‘Folder View’, UPnP Search allows the use of full-text searches of the contents of your Music Library.
LUMIN Name Enter your chosen name for this particular LUMIN L2. This is the name that will be shown when choosing a Music Library in the LUMIN App.

The SMB Hostname is also derived from this name with the following rules:

  • Max of 15 characters (extra characters will be cut off)
  • Alphabet character will always be capital letter
  • Only alphabet and numbers are allowed. All other characters will be converted to a hyphen.
    For example:
    Lumin L2 Living Room
    would become
Check for Firmware Updates If set to 'Yes', LUMIN L2 will automatically look for updates whenever the App is started.
Front Panel Display The LUMIN Front Panel Display has adjustable brightness.
Network LED The network activity LED on the network port of the rear panel can be turned off.
Enable SMB Turn Server Message Block (SMB) on or off here. SMB is the protocol used to read and write music to LUMIN L2 over the network.
LUMIN Library Rescan L2 will automatically rescan it’s contents at the following times:
  • On power-up
  • When USB connection to PC/Mac is disconnected
  • When internal storage space is changed by more than 1MB (e.g. via SMB file transfer)
A manual rescan can be performed at any time by selecting this option.
Remote Access The your LUMIN L2 music library can be served to your controlling device (Phone or Tablet) in any location via the Internet using Remote Access. You will also need to know your WAN IP address or a Dynamic DNS address (contact your service provider for more information).

Turn Remote Access on

Create a Port Forward of port 24000 to LUMIN L2

Apply for a dynamic DNS if desired

Let LUMIN App complete the loading of the LUMIN L2 music library in your local WiFi network first.

Enter the WAN IP address (or Dynamic DNS) and port 9790 into these L2 Remote Access settings

Bring your phone/tablet running LUMIN App to the remote site, then you can add music from your local library to a playlist on a LUMIN in the remote site.